
I’m currently working on several projects at different stages of development. My completed dissertation examined how people communicate about their expertise in large, distributed online communities by signaling about their network connections. At USC, I was a member of a research lab, Annenberg Network Network, and we worked on an NSF grant about multidimensional, creative, collaborative networks. Another completed project was on the topic of video surveillance and was funded by the Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events and published in Corporate Communications (see below). In addition to my academic work, I also conducted research at the RAND Corporation during a summer associateship (and I contributed an internally peer-reviewed piece), I was an audience analytics associate for a non-profit independent TV network, and I worked for a market research firm in survey operations. Please email me if you’d like to learn more about any of these experiences or the below titles.

Published Papers

Hagen, C., Bighash, L., Hollingshead, A., Shaikh, S., Alexander, K. Why are you watching? Video surveillance in organizations. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 23(2), 274-291.

Bighash, L., Oh, P., Fulk, J., & Monge, P. (2017). The value of questions in organizing: Reconceptualizing contributions to online public information goods. Communication Theory, 28(1), 1-21. doi: 10.1111/comt.12123

Ananny, M. & Bighash, L. (2016). Why drop a paywall? Mapping industry accounts of online news decommodification. International Journal of Communication, 10(2016), 3359–3380.

Edgerly, S., Thorson, K., Bighash, L., & Hannah, M. (2016). Posting about politics: Media and resources for political expression on Facebook. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 13(2), 108-125. doi:10.1080/19331681.2016.1160267

O’Mahony, A., Szayna, T., Pernin, C., Rohn, L., Eaton, D., Bodine-Baron, E., Mendelsohn, J., Osoba, O., Oehler, S., Best, K. & Bighash, L. (2017). RAND Report: Global Landpower Network: Recommendations for Deepening Army Engagement. doi:10.7249/RR1813



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